Robotic hair transplant is the latest technique and also a great achievement in the field of hair restoration. The patients can attain perfection and higher efficiency in their hair transplant procedures through robotic systems. Because of eliminating the risk of human errors, this method provides outstanding results.

In Robotic FUE hair restoration, a robotic arm is used to perform the follicular unit extraction and all it is done with the help of the image-guided robotic system. The removal of grafts with the robotic method is actually a time-consuming procedure that requires a lot of concentration by the surgeon. However, the robotic system which is guided by the doctor would be able to provide the right angle, depth and consistency to give healthy grafts for harvesting.


How Robotic Hair Transplant is performed?

In the procedure of the robotic hair transplant, the candidate sits leaning forward, with his forehead on a special headrest. Then, the robot moves around the donor area and scans the hair follicles one by one for separating the active follicular units from the surrounding tissue. 

Once the selected hair grafts are removed from the pre-determined donor region, the grafts are placed in a holding solution with an appropriate temperature. This solution maximizes the survival of follicular units while they are being held outside the body.

Before commencing the hair transplant procedure, the surgical consent form that had been sent to you is reviewed and other paperwork will be completed. The physician reviews the goals that have been established and clear your doubts and queries that you might have. The physician will then take high-quality photographs that will become a part of your permanent medical record.

Step by Step Guide to Robotic Hair Transplant

When you arrive at the clinic for your hair transplant, the staff begins by going over the activities for the day. 

The hair transplant surgeon will carefully re-draw the hairline that was photographed during your consultation and will add other markings to further demarcate the extent of the procedure. You’ll have a chance to examine and discuss it before proceeding to the actual surgical procedure. 

The involvement of a robotic machine is there that removes the hair grafts one by one and will be able to insert them in the recipient region as well. When placing is complete, the position of all of the hair grafts will be double-checked.

At the end of the robotic FUE procedure, a tennis bandage is placed around the head of the patient to cover the donor area appropriately and a baseball cap or bandanna is worn home. 

No bandage or dressing is required on the implanted site and all dressings will be removed the following morning. 

The post-operative instructions will be explained to you afterward and a printed copy will be given to you for your convenience.

Features of Robotic Hair Transplant

  • Minimally invasive approach
  • No usage of stitches or staples
  • Minimum donor scarring
  • Less healing time

Number of follicular units increases

  • A customized technique to meet the individual’s requirements
  • Less manual involvement in the procedure
  • Increased Speed and efficiency

First Choice Hair Transplant & Cosmetics